It's time for another round of "what's playing on my iPod! Check out these tunes straight off my brand new 2014 running playlist! I'm still rocking my Fall 2013 playlist too - I can't get enough of Katy Perry's Roar!
What's your favorite song to run to this season? We're 10 days into 2014, and goals and resolutions are still fresh on everyone's minds! In the spirit of '14, I've put together a brand new Fitness Friday workout for you! Notes about this workout:
Cardio - 14 minutesThe '14's
I recently started working with a company called FiTMAPPED, which is a comprehensive, fully searchable directory of fitness studios and gyms in NYC, Chicago, Boston and Los Angeles, and NOW Philadelphia! I'm so excited to be involved with such a great community and help them get the word out about different options for keeping up with your fitness. Part of what I'm working on is putting Philly gyms - big and small - on the "fit map".
After some light stretching, we moved into another room, where we worked our legs, back and biceps. The workouts were setup in circuits, where we tried to see how many rounds of each circuit we could do in a predetermined amount of time. This part of the class seemed to move quickly, and before I knew it, we were on to yoga. I generally don't love yoga, but it was basic and quick, and just what I needed to stretch after my hour-long workout. In general, I don't love it when the instructor for the class doesn't do the workout with the class, but I do understand that often in these small studios, instructors are teaching more than once class per day, and it would be impossible for them to do every class. After class, Juliet was happy to talk to us about membership and class-pack options, and also showed us how to use resistance bands to help with pull-up training! I have never used them before, but can totally see how helpful they can be! The studio even has lockers for you to use to keep your stuff safe during class! Overall, I had a great workout and I look forward to going back. I like the concept of the workout - it really touches on so many pieces of effective movement. While I wouldn't benefit from a membership, since I can realistically only make it there about once/week, I think it'd be a great option for anyone who needs a little push to help meet their goals! There are different programs you can sign up for, both nutrition- and exercise-based too! There is also a location in Mount Laurel, NJ, and rumor has it there will be more popping up soon! Have you ever tried Unite Fitness? FOLLOW ME ON MY PHILLY PHITNESS TOUR:
2. Run a half marathon in under 1 hour and 50 minutes
3. Run 1000 miles in a year I came up with this goal, on the fly - after saying it out loud, it sounded crazy, but after doing the math, I realized it's really not THAT daunting of a goal (on average less than 3 miles/day). With my commute to work, I do walk quite a bit, so I am also going to keep track of my walking, in case I need to steal any of these miles to hit my total! 4. Do 5 pullups in a row Last year, I was able to complete my first unassisted pullup EVER! It felt amazing, but I haven't really focused on my pull ups since. Every once in a while, I'll check in with the pullup bar to make sure I still can do a pullup (I can), but I want to work more on this so that I can do 5 in a row!
What are your health and fitness goals for 2014?
While I mostly run on the treadmill at my apartment complex, I sometimes run other places, and I've noticed that each treadmill feels different and contributes the overall feel of my run - have you ever noticed this? I realize some of this must be mental, but I'm also wondering if there's some scientific explanation to it also. I've put together this list of things I've noticed that affect my treadmill running.
Size of the room I've run in treadmills in all kinds of rooms (even on a cruise ship, which is a completely different experience), and the size of the room and the placement of the treadmill can make a huge impact on my run. If I'm in a small room, and the treadmill is up against a wall or in the corner, mentally, the run feels tougher. When I'm in a huge gym with tons of treadmills, it doesn't even matter how close together the treadmills are, but the air flow is better, it doesn't get as stuffy and I just feel better while running.
Time of day Hands down, the time of day makes the most impact on my treadmill running. When I get up at 5:00am to run, my joints may be a little stuff, and I'm just plain tired. No matter where I'm running, it can feel like a struggle. Treadmill running at 5:00pm? It's a completely different type of exercise. What do you prefer while running on a treadmill? I have good news and bad news for you Fitness Friday lovers. The bad news is that I don't have new workout for you today. The good news is that I want to give you more of what you want! My Fitness Friday workouts have ranged from little challenges that you can incorporate into your workouts to shorter high intensity interval training workouts to longer full body workouts. I want to know what you like best! Take a second to vote and let me know what you want to see! And don't forget, you can always access my Fitness Friday workouts by clicking HERE.
FitYaf's Fall 2013 Running Playlist What's on your playlist this Fall? After the Pittsburgh marathon and a well deserved week or so off from running, I was ready to get back in the game, yet I was lost without a training schedule. I didn't want to start yet another training program, but I wanted to be able to keep running and progress with my speed. While I value speed workouts, I don't like to do more than one/week, so I invented a little game for myself called HOW FAR CAN YOU RUN IN 30 MINUTES? My weekday morning runs are typically on a treadmill, where it's very easy to control my speed. Below is a breakdown of my workout, which I do 2-3 times/week. I go up in total distance 0.01 miles almost every time I do the workout. That might not sound like a lot, but that's about 0.1 miles/month and a whole quarter of a mile in less than three months! Notes about this workout:
In 4 months, I went from 3.30 miles to 3.60 miles. Even better, I'm noticing progress in my longer run speeds too! Post below with YOUR progress! I love great workouts that you can do with no equipment - running outside and body-weight exercises are great examples. No matter where you are, you can do these workouts, leaving you with very few excuses for not working out. I was able to do some outside running and hotel-room exercises while I was in Austria and Germany for two weeks, but by the time I got back I realized I REALLY missed working out with other people. As you know, I'm a group-fitness fanatic, but sometimes even being in the gym with other people is enough interaction to motivate me to work harder and get STRONGER! For this reason, I bring you today's 'Gym Rat workout' for Fitness Friday! If you have this equipment in your basement, well then - you beat the system... Otherwise, get to the gym and SWEAT! Notes about this workout:
Repeat the cardio section followed by the resistance section:
How did you like this workout? How many rounds did you do? |
Jillian [FitYaf]fitness enthusiast. Archives
February 2015
To my readers, please note this website and blog is for educational and informational purposes only. For medical advice, dietary restrictions, and/or medical diagnosis, and before beginning any diet and/or exercise program, please consult a doctor or healthcare professional.