Here are some other Body Blitz style workouts: Notes about this workout:
WarmupDo each for for one minute, as fast as you can:
Resistance Training, SET 1
Cardio, SET 1
Resistance Training, SET 2
Cardio, SET 2
Body Blitz Burpee ChallengeCore
Stretch Do you have a soulmate workout? I do! My soulmate workout is step aerobics. I love so many forms of exercise, but nothing really compares to step aerobics for me. What do you think of when you hear step aerobics? Perhaps you're thinking back to 80's/90's style aerobics classes (below, left), or even the video that recent viral video of a man doing step aerobics in a speedo - he's missing the step, but boy is he having fun (below, right).
Can YOUR grandma do that? If she can, she's pretty awesome! I know step aerobics isn't for everyone, but I LOVE IT! What's your soulmate workout? |
Jillian [FitYaf]fitness enthusiast. Archives
February 2015
To my readers, please note this website and blog is for educational and informational purposes only. For medical advice, dietary restrictions, and/or medical diagnosis, and before beginning any diet and/or exercise program, please consult a doctor or healthcare professional.